Therapy First is a professional association of mental health professionals who believe that individuals experiencing gender-related concerns ought to be treated using a whole person approach.
Many mental health providers have come to realize that in recent years, our field has lost its way when it comes to treating gender dysphoria in youth. For more than a century, people have turned to psychotherapy for help with psychological distress of all kinds, and we have good evidence that it is effective at helping with a range of problems. Psychotherapy aims to explore and open things up, not shut things down or concretize them. The medicalization of gender distress goes against the basic principles of good therapy. Therapy First and it’s professional membership views psychotherapy as the appropriate first-line treatment for gender dysphoria in young people.

Download Therapy First’s free Clinical Guide for Therapists Working with Gender Questioning Youth. Developed by a team of clinicians with expertise working with gender dysphoric youth and their families, our clinical guide offers mental health providers an introduction to working with this growing population based on the latest research and a solid understanding of psychotherapeutic best practice.
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